Noise: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction

Here’s the second book I’ve been published in lately, released October 2019. The piece I wrote for this anthology has inspired an entire collection which is currently in the works. Unfortunately, not much is getting done at the moment as my new puppy can’t go to a dog creche, and she’s monopolising my time. She thinks that a pad and pen are toys and keeps attempting to bite them – great fun! Anyway… hope these two books give you something to occupy your time during this lockdown.

Stay Safe.




NOISE…A rattle and bang, the wreckage of lives in zero-gee.The sounds of fear, of bravery, of love, and war.A sound, a clatter, a commotion…Do you hear that noise, so quiet, so deafening? Is it the cry of justice rendered? Are illusions really so loud?Noises in the dark, voices in the stillness, Twelve stories, novellas, and poems of sound and silence and the Human experience of Noise.


Available at Amazon:

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